One instance that stands out to me happened very recently. I have a course which meets two days a week, and you have one week following each lecture to complete a quiz about the material covered in that course. It was the afternoon before the week was up, and I logged onto the network to take the quiz. However, the quiz said it had already closed. I e-mailed the instructor asking if this was a mistake, and I heard back the next day that it was in fact a mistake, and the quiz would be re-opened. Nonetheless, I still feel that this educator did not show me adequate respect. I was in the mindset to take the quiz, and I had appropriate time allot ed in which to do so. Even though it was a mistake, my hectic schedule and studious nature were not respected.
2.) When did a teacher's compassion make a difference in your life?
There was a death in my family right before exams, and I was unable to attend them. Most of my teachers had me take the exams before I their scheduled date; amidst grieving over a sudden loss, I was also studying for exams that naturally were not on the top of my priority list. I had one teacher who told me to go spend time with my family, that the test could wait, and we would deal with it when I was back. This teacher's compassion towards me and my situation made a difference in my life; they knew where I was coming from, and really understood what was the best course of action.
3.) How do you know where your limits are in expressing authenticity?
I think this is kind of a trial-and-error approach. Each student's comfort ability level with authenticity is going to be different. It is always important as an educator to authentic, and one should always display genuineness, but not all students will respond the same way to it. It is important to find personal boundaries that is appropriate for each student.
4.)Can you think of a time when you became more interested in a subject because of a teacher's enthusiasm?
One of my English teachers in high school was absolutely off the wall looney about teaching her subject. She enjoyed so much talking about literature and learning about literature, that it was hard for that displayed enthusiasm not to be contagious. It ended up being one of the classes I took the most from.
5.)Why do most teachers and students find it so hard to be reflective?
Students and teachers find it hard to be reflective because the very nature of reflectiveness demands personal criticism. Often, it is hard to admit our mistakes. However, if we look at it as a way we can improve, it has a definite impact on our reflections. We no longer are looking for the places we went wrong; rather, we are looking for places we can improve for the next time. It is a more constructive form of reflection.
6.)Which of Gardner's eight multiple intelligences is your main creative strength?
I believe I have a good balance of Gardner's intelligences. If I were to chose just one, I would identify it as music. Music has become one of the driving forces in my life, and it is this music that I inspires me to teach; I want to share this music with able and receptive minds.
7.)Describe a time when you helped someone believe in their ability to succeed at something.
I worked with students over the summer on a musical. There was one in particular who had terrific talents, but just did not trust themselves nor their abilities. Throughout rehearsals, I always made a point to encourage them (without showing favoritism.) That bit of reassurance was the little push that student needed, and to see them bloom during the performances was remarkable.
8.)Describe a time when you or someone you know demonstrated resilience.
The very fact that I am a college student is tribute to my resilience. Being in college and juggling everything that goes along with that part of your life is often very stressful, but finding the joy in that is something difficult. The fact that I am loving life even with the stress proves my resilient nature.
9.)Describe a time when you successfully made an on the spot adjustment in some activity.
Again, I led rehearsals this past summer with a group of students. We worked long days, and I would notice waning attentions, frustrations, and so forth. When I gathered enough of the group felt this way, and that what we were learning was not going to be retained, I would switch the activity up to something easier, go back and review, or tweak my teaching approach to engage them more.
10.)Spend five minutes with your eyes closed paying attention to your in and out breath. What did you notice?
I noticed how calming the sound of my breath was. I noticed the definite rhythm and patterns--in, out, in out.
11.)When was the last time you changed your mind about something important?
To be completely honest, I do not pretend to have answers to things in life. Most of the important things I am faced with, I can see from two different viewpoints, and do not necessarily lean more towards one than the other.
12.)When was the last time you admitted you were wrong?
One of the most important things I learned this summer was from a fantastic teacher who said always to verbally admit when you are wrong. This past Sunday, I did just that. As part of my duties as an RA, I have to fill out logs detailing my interactions and experiences over the course of a week. There was an incident in retrospect that I probably did not handle the best, and filling out this reflection form and admitting where I was in the wrong is both a productive learning tool for me, and an assessment judge for my bosses.
13.)Can you think of a time when you took the initiative to get things started?
I prefer things that get done efficiently and well. Most of the time, if I want this to happen, I have to do it myself. For our Ed Psych study groups, I was the leader this week. It was up to me to set a time and location to meet, send out materials so that the group was ready for discussion, and then carry out those plans.
14.)Describe a highly effective team that you were part of. What made the team successful?
This summer I was part of the artistic staff for Celebration Iowa. This team was very successful and effective working with the students because we all shared the same goal. This commonality allowed us to work past personal differences and create a final product.
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